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FIVE YEARS OF BETTER HEALTH Our Goal Result 200 million actions to improve 249 million physical or mental health by the end of 2023 actions taken between 2019-2023 Britain Get Talking has become 13 million £132 million Nearly ½ the most actions worth of vegetables sold as a million children recognised taken to support mental wellbeing direct result of our Eat Them took part in the mental health campaign thanks to our What Gets You To Defeat Them campaign Daily Mile thanks to ITV in the UK Through campaign with CALM since it launched in 2019. Over £100 million of airtime invested in mental and physical health campaigns and content Watch our Five Years of Better Health video IITTV SV Soocciiaal Pl Puurrppoosse Ie Immppaacct Rt Reeppoorrt 2t 2002233 7

ITV Social Purpose Impact Report 2023 - Page 7 ITV Social Purpose Impact Report 2023 Page 6 Page 8