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52 ITV plc Annual Report and Accounts 2023 ITV plc Annual Report and Accounts 2023 53 S T NON-FINANCIAL AND SUSTAINABILITY INFORMATION STATEMENT R A T E G I The table below, and the information it refers to, sets out our compliance C R SOCIAL IMPACT E P with the non‑financial reporting requirements in accordance with Sections O Policies Due diligence and implementation Outcomes of policies and related KPIs Related principal risks (pages 57 to 64) R 414CA and 414CB of the Companies Act 2006. T • Social Purpose is a core enabler in • We evaluate and monitor all • Our Social Purpose strategy • Social impact matters are not delivering ITV’s overall strategy. We our Social Purpose campaigns has four priorities relating to considered to be a standalone use ITV’s scale and creativity to and progress against our goals. Mental Wellbeing, Better Futures, principal risk, however social shape culture for good not just 2023 carbon emissions data has Climate Action and Diversity, Equity impact matters which influence Refer to page 2 for details on our Business Model. within ITV but across the UK and been independently verified by and Inclusion, (see pages 32) other principal risks are detailed in other markets that we might a third party • The Social Purpose strategy our Risks and Uncertainties section impact. We have set and published • ITV’s Mental Health Advisory is aligned with the UN SDGs. ITV ENVIRONMENT ambitious targets which align to the Group, chaired by Baroness Ruth has identified nine SDGs where it United Nations Sustainable Davidson in 2023 and succeeded by can have the most impact, Policies Due diligence and implementation Outcomes of policies and related KPIs Related principal risks (pages 57 to 64) Development Goals (UN SDGs) Pat Younge in 2024, comprises (see page 32) external expert advisers and ITV • Our Environmental Management • We evaluate and monitor climate • Climate Action is one of the • Climate change is not currently representatives and provides Policy sets out our commitment to change risks and progress against priorities of ITV’s Social Purpose recognised as a principal risk of the guidance on best practice for reaching our Science Based Targets our environmental targets through strategy (see page 35). See more on Group, but is categorised as an looking after the welfare of people, on carbon emissions by 2030. In our governance structure, which this and our GHG data emerging risk and kept under productions and campaigns addition, we are part of the includes the Climate Action • We are active members of the regular review through our risk • In 2023, ITV introduced a Business Ambition for 1.5 degrees, Delivery Group, and is referenced in industry sustainability body BAFTA management framework. However, psychologist professional setting additional 2050 goals for further detail in our TCFD report albert, and are committed to principal risks are assessed with a development programme to 90% carbon emissions reduction (see page 65) reducing the impact of production climate risk lens. We have identified expand the pool of registered across all Scopes • Progress against our environmental emissions by ensuring all the specific climate risks for ITV psychologists working in television. • We disclose against the Task targets is reported to the Studios, programmes produced or through climate scenario analysis It was delivered in partnership with Force on Climate-related Financial Media & Entertainment, and commissioned in the UK are • For our TCFD report see page 65 the BBC and accredited by the Disclosures (TCFD) framework Management Boards up to four albert certified British Psychological Society and our exposure to climate-related times a year, and annually to the aimed at supporting ITV and BBC risks and processes to mitigate PLC Board. The Audit and Risk programmes in their duty of care to these risks Committee also has oversight contributors • ITV’s commitment to climate of environmental matters (see • ITV is a member of the Responsible action has been assessed by the page 114) Media Forum Carbon Disclosure Project and • All colleagues and Board • Progress against our targets and given an A rating, putting ITV in the members are required to the impact of our campaigns are top 2% of disclosing companies for complete mandatory training reported to the Management Board leadership in transparency and on climate action four times a year, monthly in social corporate reporting purpose papers and annually to the • Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets PLC Board out our expectation of our suppliers to align with our 2030 environmental targets HUMAN RIGHTS Policies Due diligence and implementation Outcomes of policies and related KPIs Related principal risks (pages 57 to 64) COLLEAGUES • ITV is fully committed to ensuring • Ultimate oversight sits with • No incidences of human rights • Legal and regulatory Policies Due diligence and implementation Outcomes of policies and related KPIs Related principal risks (pages (57 to 64) that we do not participate in the the Board abuse or modern slavery have non-compliance (including labour violation of human rights and • ITV’s Modern Slavery Working been identified rights issues) is recognised as a • Our Code of Ethics and Conduct • All colleagues and Board members • The Speaking Up framework has • Non-compliance with laws and expects the same of our suppliers. Group is responsible for overseeing • Our Code of Ethics and Conduct principal risk with the Board having (Our Code) promotes the highest complete annual mandatory been enhanced, making it easier to regulations is recognised as a We are a founding member of the modern slavery risk management explains ITV’s aim to address and zero tolerance for known and standards of ethical business, training aligned with Our Code. raise concerns and support ITV’s principal risk. The Board has zero television Industry and Human for ITV in a manner that places identify the risks of modern slavery deliberate non-compliance. underpinning our values and • Our Code is reviewed regularly and open culture tolerance for known and deliberate Rights Forum set up to identify and concerns for potential victims at We have a compliance and risk corporate culture approved by the Audit and Risk • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion non-compliance. We regularly proactively address labour rights • Suppliers are required to comply management framework in place assess potential risks associated the centre. It agrees on strategies with our Supplier Code of Conduct • Adherence is a key requirement of Committee is one of the four priorities of issues in the television industry and for addressing key risks identified and address the risk of modern to identify potential risks and our overall compliance framework • Our Inclusion and Diversity Council, ITV’s Social Purpose strategy with employee conduct and ethics raise awareness beyond it and raises awareness among ITV’s mitigate these (see page 32) as part of our compliance slavery in their operations and • Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion chaired by the Chief Executive, processes • ITV’s Modern Slavery Statement decision-makers of labour rights supply chains strategy is aligned with and drives the organisation’s diversity • ITV has ranked third in the FTSE sets out the steps taken to identify, considerations and seeks their supports our business strategy and inclusion agenda (see page 37) 250 index and is the top media • Failure to deliver our Diversity address and prevent modern support for appropriate initiatives • Our employment and recruitment • Progress against our diversity company within the index for Acceleration Plan is not recognised slavery and human trafficking in our • Our Modern Slavery Statement is policies are based on equal targets is reported to the Studios women in leadership roles. ITV was as a standalone principal risk but is business and supply chain reviewed by the Board on an annual opportunities and and Media & Entertainment Boards also one of 20 FTSE 250 companies recognised as an important factor • Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets basis. and can be found in the non-discrimination and set out our biannually, the Management Board with at least five women on its within the recruitment and out our expectation of suppliers to Governance section of our commitment to an open and four times a year, the Nominations Board. (Source: FTSE Women retention of talent principal risk and protect human rights of workers ITV PLC website inclusive culture Committee regularly, and the PLC Leaders Review February 2024) remains under review, monitored by and communities impacted by Board annually the Nominations Committee operations and supply chains • ITV’s Duty of Care Charter sets out • Failure to create the right our commitment to the physical • The Audit and Risk Committee organisational culture, which and mental health and safety of reviews the Group’s health and allows colleagues to speak up, and employees, participants and others safety procedures at least annually, failure to extend an adequate duty we work with and receives regular reports from of care or a major health and • ITV has a ‘Speaking Up’ framework the Duty of Care Operating Board, safety incident are recognised for anyone working for or with ITV to which the Chair of the Audit and as principal risks raise concerns and grievances in Risk Committee attends confidence (and if they wish • Our Speaking Up framework is anonymously), as well as a monitored and reviewed by the freelancer complaints procedure Audit and Risk Committee • We also have policies on bullying, biannually. Statistics on concerns harassment and dignity at work, raised are reviewed at each and grievances Board meeting

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