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38 ITV plc Annual Report and Accounts 2023 ITV plc Annual Report and Accounts 2023 39 S SOCIAL PURPOSE CONTINUED T R A T E G I C R E P O Targets for 2025 R T Improve representation in ITV’s workforce, on-screen and off-screen by the end of 2025. Disability Class Ethnicity Gender LGBTQ+ 12% 33% 20% 50% 7% Deaf, Disabled, from working class People of Colour at Women Lesbian, Gay, Neurodivergent, backgrounds the ‘All colleagues’ Bisexual, ELLIE SIMMONDS: or with a long-term level at ITV Transgender or FINDING MY health condition Queer SECRET FAMILY 15% People of Colour at senior levels Creating Inclusive CultureAccessibility and In 2023, at an All colleagues and Manager level, we have already exceeded many of our 2025 representation targets, as detailed OpportunitiesOur first colleague network launched in isability Equity D in the following table. Our diversity data campaign was successful in increasing the number of colleagues sharing their data and, 2012, and since then they have been vital while this has given us a clearer picture of our workforce, it has also resulted in an increase in the proportion of colleagues from In 2023, Fresh Cuts, which supports in shaping our inclusive culture. Our five Accessibility forms the critical professional backgrounds and a decrease in those from working class backgrounds, which is below our target across all levels. up-and-coming Black filmmakers to Colleague Networks are Able, Balance, foundation of our strategy. We launched In 2024, we will continue to work to improve representation in ITV’s workforce, on and off-screen, sharpening our focus on Deaf, direct their first film for ITV as part of Embrace, Pride and the Women’s the world’s first free 24/7 British Sign Disabled and Neurodivergent leads on-screen. We will also maintain our focus on representation at senior levels where we have Black History Month, returned for a Network. Some networks have global Language channel on ITVX. ITV is an further to improve across all characteristics. second year. We ran a range of initiatives branches outside the UK. Network chairs active member of the TV Access Project for 21 promising diverse writers. We also sit on our Inclusion and Diversity Council (TAP), a joint initiative created by the UK diversity data launched initiatives such as Amplify: The chaired by ITV’s CEO. They share UK’s main broadcasters and streamers Companies, which nurtures and elevates feedback on colleagues’ experiences to embed accessibility and achieve full ITV UK workforce On and off-screen ten production companies owned by with senior leadership and the DEI team.inclusion for Disabled people by 2030. Senior On-screen Off-screen All colleagues Managers Leaders (Diamond Sixth (Diamond Sixth People of Colour and Deaf, Disabled, Characteristic 2025 Target (2023) (2023) (2023)1 Cut, 2021-22)2 Cut, 2021-22)2 or Neurodivergent leaders.In our inaugural line manager survey, We have built accessibility into our Age 50+ – 20.9% 26.9% 52.5% 23.7% 21.1% 85% of colleagues agreed that their productions from the start. We designed We created Production Principles in managers build an inclusive team the Big Brother house with accessible Deaf, Disabled or 2021 as part of the commissioning environment. In 2024, we will work to ramps and a stair lift and remodelled the Neurodivergent 12% 12.3% 10.5% 7.6% 8.6% 5.5% process to embed DEI practices in every improve the experiences of Black, Mixed Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway set 20% at the ‘All programme ITV commissions, and we Race/Dual Heritage and other minority to include visible ramps as the main colleagues’ level, 15% People of Colour at senior levels 15.2% 11.6% 14.4% 23.6% 16.0% reviewed and refreshed these in 2023. ethnic colleagues as ITV’s engagement stage entrance. and culture survey found that these Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans or Queer (LGBTQ+)3 7% 9.6% 8.5% 7.0% 24.0% 20.7% THE RESULTSgroups feel less included. THE RESULTS Women 50% 53.2% 50.3% 49.3% 49.5% 46.4% 475 productions have made Our Cultural Advisory Council is now ITV Studios hired our Working class background4 33% 28.9% 31.5% 20.4% N/A4 N/A4 commitments to embed in its third year. These independent first in-house Access Our UK workforce figures include UK permanent and PAYE fixed-term employees only as of 31 December 2023 (it does not include freelance, contingent or agency external advisers from a range of workers) and are based on the number of employees who chose to share diversity data, including those who select ‘prefer not to say’. Due to rounding, figures do not DEI practices into their industries advise and challenge us Coordinator who embeds always total 100%. programmes through the on our DEI plans.accessibility in productions 1. Our Senior Leader population is a defined group of approximately 220 colleagues including the Management Board, colleagues who report to a Management Board member and/or are on the list of top FTE salaries (excluding on-screen talent). Our Manager population is approximately 900 colleagues distinct from our Senior Production Principles.across all our in-house drama Leaders. We updated these categories in 2023 following guidance from Ofcom – while there is some overlap with our previous categories, these figures are not THE RESULTSlabels. directly comparable to previous reports 2. On-screen and off-screen representation is measured using Diamond, an industry-wide system for monitoring diversity in broadcasting. This data is from the 185 diverse creatives latest Sixth Cut report. Diamond collects diversity data from cast, contributors, crew and production companies. Diamond does not currently measure class / stepped up into more senior Our colleague networks ITV developed new Event socio-economic background, but we are ensuring this will be included in the current project to update Diamond. The LGBTQ+ figures combine the Diamond figures continue to grow with over for LGB+ and transgender populations. More information about Diamond can be found at: production roles through Inclusion and Access 3. Our LGBTQ+ target combines sexual orientation and gender identity. We measure these separately and combine these categories Step Up 60.1,900 colleagues part of at least Guidelines, which help us, our 4. When analysing our class data, we excluded responses from people who answered ‘don’t know’, ‘not applicable’, ‘prefer not to say’ etc. This enables us to compare one network and a total of over with national benchmarks. This method is slightly different to how we analyse other diversity characteristics (based on all colleagues who share data, including partners, and suppliers make those who respond ‘prefer not to say’) as those questions do not have a ‘don’t know’ option. We followed expert advice on how to analyse and interpret this 3,000 members across all five. information. Class is not measured on-screen and off-screen through Diamond yet, so our 33% target applies to our workforce including senior leaders our biggest events inclusive Note: Under the Companies Act 2006, we are required to report on the gender breakdown of our senior managers – this statutory definition is broader than our and accessible. definition of Senior Leaders. Of our global workforce of 6,743 who disclosed their gender (3,003 men, 3,740 women), 357 were senior managers (190 men, 167 women), Over 450 colleagues which includes senior leaders and directors on the Boards of undertakings of the Group (to the extent there are additional individuals), but exclude individuals who sit as directors on the Board of the Company. completed DEI training, with ITV has published its Gender, Ethnicity, Disability and LGBTQ+ Pay Gap Report: over 180 senior leaders and For more information on our Diversity Acceleration Plan, including further data such as intersectional data and specific breakdowns, refer to: articles/diversity-acceleration-plan managers trained across Australia, Germany and the Netherlands. Results showed improved understanding, awareness and confidence across all locations.

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