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86 ITV plc Annual Report and Accounts 2023 ITV plc Annual Report and Accounts 2023 87 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT CONTINUED G O VE R NAN C PARTNERS (INCLUDING SUPPLIERS, OTHER BROADCASTERS AND PLATFORM OWNERS) CITIZENS E Description Link to strategic priorities Description Link to strategic priorities Strong relationships with our partners are fundamental to our business and operating model, and Optimise Broadcast: As a public service broadcaster, we strive to reflect, remain in touch with, and shape public Social Purpose: see our Social to ensure we meet the high standards of conduct that we set ourselves. see Our Strategy sentiment and national conversations. Our engagement in this stakeholder category is an integral Purpose strategy part of our Social Purpose strategy. Forms of engagement Outcomes and impact on principal decisions Forms of engagement Outcomes and impact on principal decisions Meetings and presentations • Development of ITV’s Partnership strategy • Executive Directors’ engagements (meetings, conferences) with key suppliers and partners • Consideration of key themes/risks across supplier Meetings and presentations • Deepened understanding of opportunities for climate (including broadcaster and distribution partners) stakeholder groups and how they are being addressed by • Chief Executive met with other broadcaster CEOs to agree further collaboration on our action and storytelling, with plan for further training for • Regular Chief Executive counterpart meetings with key partners management shared Climate Content Pledge, announced at COP26, and joined other broadcaster CEOs wider ELT from Climate Change Committee • Executive Directors held a Commercial Clients event at the Palooza event in November • Strengthened creative talent through new partnerships and in hosting an event on Climate Storytelling for 80 CEOs and senior leaders, including an • Deepened understanding and awareness of ESG and 2023, attended by Board members strong development slates interview with Bill Gates and briefing from the UK Climate Change Committee factors influencing ITV’s corporate purpose, to inform Board • Further collaboration with streaming platforms to drive • Chief Executive hosted and participated in an event for NSPCC’s Childline to raise decisions Board and Committee reviews and assessments reach and consumption awareness of childhood mental health challenges and raise funds • The Climate Action Delivery Group meets quarterly, chaired • Strategy sessions on the impact of the supercharged streaming strategy on third parties • Board support for targeted engagement with distribution by the Group CFO & COO to review ITV’s quarterly carbon (including PSBs, suppliers and platform owners) Board and Committee reviews and assessments emissions data across Scopes 1,2 and 3 (business travel) partners to define approach to the supercharged streaming • Board oversight of significant contracts with suppliers or partners strategy • Group CFO & COO’s overall responsibility for ITV’s climate action agenda and leadership of and to bring a leadership team together to update on their ITV’s Climate Action Delivery Group divisional goals and progress against Climate Action Plans, • Board update on engagement with third-party suppliers, including supplier management • Endorsement of partnership initiatives to develop and to oversee delivery of ITV’s Climate Transition Plan. policies, processes and controls commercial addressable propositions and support ITV’s • Board receipt of annual updates on Social Purpose, the Group’s climate-related agenda, including risk, opportunities and targets, and Diversity and Inclusion (including progress Ongoing commitment to The Climate Content Pledge (with • Chief Executive reports on key/strategic partner relationships and Group CFO & COO data strategy other major broadcasters) to promote climate story-telling against ITV’s Diversity Acceleration Plan). The Board agreed ITV’s ongoing commitment to reports on important negotiations with key partnerships, at every Board meeting • Understanding and management of the risks related to our mental wellbeing as our primary social cause on-screen • Board review of ITV’s Modern Slavery Statement in February, including report on steps relationships with/positions of our partners • Mental Health in the Media conference series hosted by ITV • Board sessions to assess the key risks to ITV, including environmental risk, their potential taken to identify, address and prevent modern slavery in our operations and supply chains impact, ITV’s resilience and opportunities for improvement to encourage the TV and advertising industries to take a • Audit and Risk Committee review of the Group’s supplier payment practices and the • Audit and Risk Committee monitoring of compliance with and integrity of, and progress on deeper look at mental health on-screen and off-screen procedures in place to safeguard both ITV and suppliers from fraud climate change reporting targets and reported metrics, particularly with regards to TCFD; • ITV developed an Inclusive Language Guide as an internal reports to the Board on its outcome (see page 114) tool to create a shared way to communicate inclusively. • The Management Board receives a monthly update on ESG (as part of standard Board Colleagues accessed the guide over 3,000 times in 2023 reports) and a quarterly review of climate action data and progress. M&E and Studios • ITV’s Cultural Advisory Council, which Chief Executive and Boards receive twice yearly updates on climate action Management Board members attend, comprising a group of • The Management Board approved first ITV’s Climate Transition Plan which is published on independent external advisers from a range of different 20th March 2024 industries and specialisms who advise, challenge and counsel ITV on its diversity and inclusion activities • Commitment to The Climate Content Pledge (with other major broadcasters) to promote climate story-telling on-screen • Delivery of outcomes is supported by Board members’ active consumption of our national and regional news services, with follow-up discussions and liaisons on future plans with Management Board members and senior leaders Key issues or priorities identified Read more • Harnessing our unique mass-reach platform and the power of our programmes to raise Task Force on Climate‑related Financial Disclosures awareness and action on issues that are important and help shape culture for good, with particular emphasis on mental health (from page 65) • Our sustainability and commitment to climate action, embedding sustainability into Social Purpose strategy (from page 32) business and usual processes alongside targeted initiatives to reduce carbon and support a circular economy Our Climate Transition Plan • Our contribution to wider society through our Better Futures programme, including ( charitable fundraising through Soccer Aid for UNICEF and volunteering • Our focus and commitment to increasing on and off-screen diversity through our Diversity Acceleration Plan

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