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94 ITV plc Annual Report and Accounts 2023 ITV plc Annual Report and Accounts 2023 95 G ENGAGING WITH OUR WORKFORCE O VE R NAN The Board ensures effective engagement The Workforce Engagement Director also Ambassadors were asked to gather feedback Our Ambassador network C with the workforce using two of the methods Our Ambassador network was established in joined the first (since 2019) in-person from their constituents about awareness, E stipulated under the Code: a designated 2015 and represent colleagues’ interests in Ambassador Forum in Autumn 2023 which knowledge and trust in the Speaking Up Workforce Engagement Director, and a all parts of the Group, shares information was attended by over 80 Ambassadors (UK process and channels. Whilst the majority formal workforce advisory panel (our and helps inform our culture by giving our and International). were aware of the policy and Speak Up Ambassador network). Edward Bonham colleagues a voice. channels, Ambassadors indicated that there Carter had the role from 2019 and was The active two-way dialogue and attendance are varying levels of awareness, confidence succeeded by Graham Cooke in June 2023. • Each Ambassador usually represents at Ambassador meetings also provides an and trust in the process. This will be The Board extends its thanks to Edward for approximately 50 colleagues from their opportunity to share insights into external addressed in the 2024 Q1 Ambassador his valuable contributions. business area, called their constituency factors affecting ITV, which the meetings with a planned in-depth and Ambassadors then share with their practical session to raise awareness and The Board recognises the benefits of • There are approximately 100 Ambassador constituents. Hearing feedback first hand trust in the Speak Up process. The intention personal interaction and informal discussion constituencies which are organised into gives the Workforce Engagement Director a is that the Ambassadors will then be well to both learn more about day-to-day five UK regional groups and c.20 of these broad perspective of company culture, equipped to support their local constituents operations and the practical execution of Ambassadors represent our international morale, and priorities for colleagues and the in understanding the importance of raising strategy, as well as to gather direct insights groups impact of operational changes. concerns via our Speak Up channels. into workforce sentiment. Colleagues have • The Ambassadors normally meet in their direct contact with the Chief Executive groups four times a year and in 2023 the Regular verbal updates on feedback on The Ambassadors were given an overview through her ‘Ask Carolyn’ email address Ambassadors have been engaged in a employee topics and issues of interest and/ of the Engagement and Culture survey and and the Chair has regular meetings with range of programmes and topics. or concern, were provided to the Board by the Mandatory Training and were asked to Management Board members and Divisional Workforce Engagement Director. These encourage their constituents to complete heads, who provide feed-back on workforce Engagement with Ambassadors is primarily regular updates ensure that the employees both the survey and mandatory training. issues. The Committee Chairs also have through in-person meetings on a quarterly voices are considered during Board and The Ambassadors were updated on the new, individual meetings with colleagues in basis. In 2023, 24 meetings were held, 16 of Committee discussions. staggered approach to mandatory training relation to the business of their which were with UK Ambassadors covering and its importance and were asked for Committee meetings. London West, London Central, Leeds and Ambassadors regularly share how valuable feedback and to work with local managers Manchester, and the remaining eight the network is to them and their to ensure full completion in their areas. meetings with international Ambassadors constituents, particularly in relation to having The headline results from the engagement (representing all ITV territories). Of the 24 Board representation at meetings to hear and culture survey were shared with the meetings, nine were attended by the firsthand business and strategic updates Ambassadors and they gave their initial designated Workforce Engagement Director. which they in turn can share more locally. reactions. The Ambassadors have been asked to play a proactive role, partnering with their local line managers; to share, What were the takeaways The Ambassadors have been engaged and explore and agree actions based on local AMBASSADOR FEEDBACK LOOP updated on the ITV Together programme results; and to record local actions on a from Ambassador meetings central IT platform. during 2023? (Oracle Fusion), with the programme team having regularly sought feedback from What are the key areas of focus 2023 has again been a year of change for Ambassadors and their constituencies to colleagues, with an ongoing focus on digital, inform their plans for the initial launch and for engagement in 2024? organisational and strategic transformation. stabilisation period, as well as shaping future The Workforce Engagement Director will Workforce Throughout the year the Ambassadors have communications and engagement activity. continue to attend Ambassador meetings Workforce Workforce Engagement Director Workforce been updated on the More Than TV strategy, This led to the introduction of local super- Engagement Director Engagement Director Engagement Director to engage on important topics, such as collects feedback/ with particular focus on ITVX during its users to champion and support new Speaking Up, ITV’s digital transformation, attends Ambassador provides feedback from insights from Plc Board shares feedback/ launch year, they were asked to share processes and minimise workarounds. Meetings and collects Ambassadors at Plc insights from action planning linked to the 2023 Meeting to share with feedback from their constituents on how the Engagement and Culture survey and feedback/insights Board Meeting ITV Ambassadors Plc Board strategy and ITVX was being perceived in The ever-changing macro-environment and exploring how to further raise the their constituencies as this was a key the continuing impact of increasing living Ambassadors’ profile. strategic focus for the M&E business. costs has continue to be a key focus. The UK Ambassadors were given an insight into ITV’s The Board’s views on key 2023 topics were approach to the pay review process and the regularly shared, including the performance different factors that are considered when of ITVX post its launch in Q4 2022, the the proposed pay offer was shared with changing media and regulatory landscape them. They were asked to give their reactions (subscription streaming market growth, US together with any questions they had. Their writers’ strike, HFSS advertising ban, PSB engagement and feedback were greatly regulation, changes in viewer habits and the appreciated and the final pay offer was advertising market), and how this has amended as a result. affected ITV.

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